All About X-ray

An X-ray can provide your medical practitioner with a very special view of the bones, and it may be needed in various situations. Your doctor may order an X-ray to diagnose any of the following conditions better:

–Broken bones
–Tooth decay
–Dislocated joints
–Abdominal pain

In addition to the conditions above and accidental injuries, a doctor may also use an X-ray to identify objects that may have entered the body and lodged in the lungs or digestive tract. An X-ray of the lungs can also show signs of pneumonia and tuberculosis.

What to Expect from the X-Ray Procedure?

You do not need to fast or quit smoking before taking an X-ray. However, you may be asked to remove anything metallic from your body, as it may interfere with the precision equipment. Depending on the area of your body being examined, you may be asked to lie down or stand up for the exposure. The X-ray tube emits rays that are captured on a special film behind the region being examined.

You will not notice the invisible X-rays traversing your body. Some are blocked by bones or other solid matter, and those that make it through are captured on film, allowing the doctors to see the conditions inside clearly. The most you will hear while the equipment is at work is a faint click or buzzing sound.

The X-ray assistant may need to prop up your body with a cushion or pillow so that an X-ray can be taken from different angles. It may be difficult to hold still, as the table is sometimes uncomfortable, or you may be in pain from a recent accident. Nevertheless, remaining motionless is essential for the quality of the imagery.

You may be asked to hold your breath while the exposure is being done, but it will last only a few seconds. If your doctor needs to see more detail in a certain area, they may administer iodine or barium as a contrasting agent. This may be injected or swallowed.

Are X-Rays Safe?

Having an X-ray taken exposes the individual to a form of radiation, and this can make some people very nervous. While the X-ray is considered safe by the medical community and bad results from an X-ray are considerably rare, there are a few things that should be considered when having an X-ray taken.

Cancer Risk — large amounts of radiation exposure can cause cancer. But, the amounts to which you will exposed are so small that the occurrence of any conditions is very rare. Children are more sensitive to radiation and its effects than adults are.

X-rays and Small Children—Small children need X-rays almost as often as adults, and the real trick is getting them to sit still in impressive and unfamiliar surroundings. If the child moves around, the process will take longer. If the child needs a parent to sit with them and keep them steady, the parent may need to wear a lead apron, which can prevent radiation exposure.

Pregnancies — If you suspect you may be pregnant, it will be very important to inform your doctor of your condition. They may be able to use a different form of imaging to keep your unborn child safe.

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